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2017-11-15 Pl.Bd. min.
 Town of Princeton, Mass.       
PLANNING BOARD    Minutes  --– Nov. 15, 2017

In Town Hall Annex; present were: John Mirick, Ian Catlow and Tom Daly. Absent were Tom Sullivan and Rud Mason.

7:30 PM   Doug Andrysick came in with ANR plan for John & Terri Bennett splitting their houselot at 27 Hickory Drive intolot 52B w/ 90,925 sq.ft. with the existing house, and the new adjacent lot 12A w/ 87,120 sq.ft. and each lot retaining 225’ frontage. Board voted all in favor to endorse and signed all copies.

        An ANR plan was submitted by owners Russell and MacLeed for Greenmantle Farm at the southeast corner of Goodnow and Gates roads. It split off the corner section into new lot A with 5.3 acres and hundreds of feet of frontage on Goodnow and Gates. Plan noted over 43,560 sq.ft. were exclusive of wetlands. Remaining parcel Map 7, Lot 31, fronting on Gates has about 63 acres.

Continued discussion on proposed sign by-law and related issues. John met with BOS on Nov. 13 and meeting will be scheduled with Advisory Committee to review draft zoning articles. John reported that Select Board was supportive and enthusiastic about the concept and offered suggestions. Edith pointed out that while businesses pay for the “way-finding” signage that directs travelers to their sites, there should also be a “maintenance” provision for update/upkeep as years go by. Ian distributed relevant sections from the federal Standard Highway Signs Book. Group discussed design detail for way-finding signs, and Ian noted the town street signs have lettering 6” tall, which is also suggested in the national standards guide. Ian offered to draw up samples using Harrington Farm as the subject. The size for temporary promotional signs in section 3. E. (typically sandwich-boards), at 16 sq.ft. maximum, was debated. The provision under 6.E. notes that temporary signs for nonprofits on the public right of way are exempt from the bylaw providing they are removed within 30 days following the event, and group decided to change it, as two weeks was enough time for removal.
8:15 PM   Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of Nov. 1 and agreed to meet Dec. 6 in Town Hall as only meeting in December.

8:20 PM  Board voted all in favor to adjourn.

Respectfully Submitted:   Marie Auger, Admin. Assistant

Referenced Documents:  Working draft of signage bylaws dated 11/15/17; federal Standard Highway Signs Book; ANR plans with Form A submitted

Upcoming meetings:    Dec. 6, 2017; Jan. 3 & 17, 2017

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department